Project description

Silicon Europe Worldwide

Fostering cross-border collaboration on an international scale in innovative micro- and nanoelectronics between the European leading clusters and the world players covering a wide scale of cross-sectoral applications.

Silicon Saxony (DE), Minalogic (FR), DSP Valley (BE), High Tech NL (NL), CORALLIA mi-Cluster (EL) and  Fondazione Distretto Green & High Tech Monza Brianza (IT) are cooperating to implement the internationalization strategy for third countries as developed within the Silicon Europe project, funded under FP7/Regions of Knowledge.

The Silicon Europe Worldwide partners represent more than 1000 institutes and companies of which 80% are SMEs. Due to the Silicon Europe Worldwide partners’ experience and expertise with their facilitating role as cluster, they are best positioned to increase the international cooperation and business opportunities for the European SMEs and companies involved in micro- and nanoelectronics technology and applications.

The activities of the project focus on three objectives:

  1. Support electronics companies, and more in particular, SMEs, to be present in foreign markets either for business or partnerships.
  2. Attract foreign investment money or actors missing in Europe´s value chain.
  3. Promote the European electronics industry worldwide.

In order to realize these objectives, the cluster partnership will implement and further develop relationships with selected regions outside Europe. The relationship building will be done with one region at a time. Within the Silicon Europe project, a thorough analysis of regions outside Europe has been made. Based on this analysis, Taiwan and North East USA have been selected as the first two regions to focus on. At least one more region will be selected during the project.

We need your support!

In order to organize investor matchmakings for the European micro- and nanoelctronic ecosystem, we are currently conducting an investment readiness profiling of the different partner regions. 

Please click here to complete the questionnaire.

Thank you very much in advance!

The internationalization effort in this project will result in different opportunities for the SMEs and other cluster members as described below:

  • Cluster members have access to a wider market including the global value chain for a larger number of applications, including cross-sectoral.
  • Cluster members will gain access to knowledge and technology.
  • Cluster members will be able to secure critical import
  • Cluster members will gain access to foreign investment

Silicon Europe Worldwide is awarded with the "European Strategic Cluster Partnership - Going International (ESCP-4i)" label. By signing the ESCP-4i charter, Silicon Europe Worldwide commited itself to follow the main principles of the "Cluster Go International" call. The aim is to support the internationalization of SME members beyond Europe and to contribute to the European Commission's objectives to boost growth and investment in Europe.

Contact project coordinator

Gaston Greenslaan 9
B-3001 Leuven


Johan Lecocq
Project Coordinator
Tel.: +32 16 21 14 10
Fax.: +32 16 24 14 49

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