Czech National Semiconductor Cluster

Czech National Semiconductor Cluster provides the most effective approach to align with experts and join Czech semiconductor value chainecosystem, consisting from top Czech academia institutes, leading companies and their supply chain, startups, regional innovation centers.

The cluster is integrated into the EU clusters network and new EU Semiconductor Regions Alliance for EU ChipsAct. It works together with the Czech government, on top EU and CZ priorities for semiconductor industry such as IPCEI Microelectronics/Communication, ChipsAct, KDT JU, etc. The clusters already contributes to European Commission driven ChipsAct pillars and it’s objectives definition process, impacting the future EU Design and IP. Example of the contribution is new processor platform RISC V, Cloud EDA Tools and IP distribution, semiconductor centres of competence etc.



Czech National Semiconductor Cluster z.s.
Sumavska 416/15
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic