News Archive
Silicon Eurocluster Launches Green Financial Support for SMEs
February 27, 2024. Silicon Eurocluster is thrilled to announce the launch of its Green Financial Support initiative, a groundbreaking effort to foster the sustainable transformation of Small and Medium-Sized enterprises (SMEs) in the electronics sector. This initiative aligns with our...
Read moreInnovative Training for Cluster Managers Elevates Green Technologies and Sustainability Practices
On February 27th, cluster managers and sustainability professionals gathered online for an empowering training session focused on green technologies, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and Circular Economy principles. The event, aimed at building capacities and enhancing skills in...
Read moreVerIoT: System for verification and optimization of emerging IoT RFID
VerIoT integrates multi-fold antennas for high-speed automated testing, utilizing EdgeAI hardware. In March 2022, the EU introduced measures to reduce electronic waste (e-waste) and unveiled a digital product passport to enhance transparency in product origin and supply chain...
Read moreSilicon Eurocluster Launches Call for Green Consultancy Services to Propel SMEs' Sustainable Transformation in the Electronics Sector
The Silicon Eurocluster project, funded by the European Commission, announces the opening of the Call for Expressions of Interest, seeking highly skilled and experienced green consultancy service providers to support the sustainable transformation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises...
Read moreSollTech: Sensor based IoT technology for protecting off-season tourism infrastructure
Solltech technology for protecting off-season infrastructure in tourism for glamping and mobile houses operators Glamping industry suffers from off-season issues with high air humidity relating to creation of mould, swelling of wood, with no real solution currently on the market to...
Read moreNew leadership of Silicon Europe Alliance
During SEMICON Europa, the partners of the Silicon Europe Alliance renewed their governance for the year 2024. Erasmia Dupenloup, CEO of the Minalogic cluster, was elected President of the Alliance. Ola Svedin from Mobile Heights (Sweden), Robert Gfrerer from Silicon Alps (Austria), and...
Read moreSIMPRINT: Simplified Mobile Printer with Increased Autonomy
SIMPRINT is an ambitious project aimed at developing a small yet powerful outdoor printing robot with exceptional autonomous capabilities and unparalleled user-friendliness. By combining advanced sensors and artificial intelligence software with our expertise in printing and robotics,...
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