Joint Action Plan
A 5 Step Joint Action Plan
The Silicon Europe Joint Action Plan describes the agreed actions to be taken by the Silicon Europe Alliance in order to support the growth and success of European innovation in micro- and nanoelectronics.
These five key strategic themes, which are deemed crucial to the success of the European micro- and nanoelectronics industry in terms of market accessibility, and availability of equity and technology, have been selected. They will be addressed on a meta cluster level aiming at providing optimum support to the MNE industry at large using “connecting people” as the cluster’s core competence.
Five strategic themes
- Knowledge and Technology Transfer – Clusters support exchange throughout Europe
- Smart Specialisation – R&D along the regional strongholds and markets
- SME Funding – Clusters liaise SMEs to sources of capital
- International Business Development – Increase international visibility and consequently detect and create opportunities for the (SME) members
- Promotion of Micro- and Nanoelectronics – Communicate at large the indispensable role in to-day’s and future society
The five themes were selected based on the analyses performed within the Silicon Europe Project (2012-2015).
The Silicon Europe Joint Action Plan describes the strategy and actions of the Silicon Europe cluster alliance including a concrete implementation roadmap for the next 3 years (2016-2018).
The Silicon Europe activities cover the five strategic themes

Market intelligence
- Screening of funding opportunities and dissemination to members (mainly SMEs)
- Explore possibilities for cooperation with application clusters in Europe
- Identify regions and markets relevant for SMEs in the ecosystem
- Identify optional partners, customers or suppliers in foreign markets
- Develop a joint communication and branding strategy towards third regions
- Develop a relationship with foreign regions through a partnership with local cluster organisations or alternative contact parties
- Select conferences and trade fairs that are relevant for SMEs in the Silicon Europe ecosystem
- Create opportunities for individual companies to find business partners
- Support SMEs on public funding opportunities
- Organise B2B and B2VC events open for the Silicon Europe cluster members
- Open Silicon Europe events to companies from abroad
- Participate in trade missions
- Organise visits of foreign clusters and companies to Europe
Marketing communication
- Website
- Marketing communication material
- Silicon Europe presence at key events
- Promotion of the European brand Silicon Europe
- Advocacy